Why Sauna?

We’re exposed to toxins every day. They accumulate in our bodies, causing fatigue, skin irritations, digestive problems and headaches. Sweating is a natural way to rid ourselves of these impurities.

QUICK NOTE: Infrared Saunas Vs. Traditional Saunas
Infrared heat is a very soothing and gentle heat. Unlike traditional saunas which operate in excess of 180⁰ F making the experience unbearably hot and claustrophobic, infrared saunas have the benefit of being effective at a more comfortable operating temperature of between 120-150⁰ F.

Traditional saunas only heat the air in the cabin whereas Infrared saunas penetrate deep into your cells giving you a deep detoxifying sweat. Because infrared heat penetrates deep into tissues versus just the surface of skin, Infrared saunas are seven times more effective than traditional saunas for detoxifying the body. By raising the body’s core temperature, Infrared saunas can produce a sweat composed of 20% toxins compared to 3% with a traditional sauna.